Returns Policy
Due to the nature of the product, we are unable to accept returns. All Sales on Orders are Final. Returns Only Accepted for Manufacturer Defects. If there is an issue with your order, please contact us immediately so we can fix it.
We can ship to virtually any address in North America.
Products take 1-2 business days to process before shipping.
Typical delivery is between 5-7 business days.
State laws require that we charge applicable sales tax on orders shipped to addresses in the state of New York only. All orders outside of New York will not be charged.
Back-ordered / Out of Stock
In the event you place an order where a product is out of stock/back-ordered, we will contact you with 1-2 days to figure out arrangements. Typically an out of stock product remains back-ordered for no more 10 days.
Tracking Number
We typically provide the tracking information after 1-3 business days after initial shipment. The delay is set from our distributor. If you are requesting a tracking number sooner or would like to request faster delivery service, contact us at any time.