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Why you should avoid products with chemical or modified ingredients.

Hi Original Beauties!

Hope are having a great day! Ok, here is the 411 on the main ingredients to avoid in hair and skin care products. Once I found out how they were made, it was an easy choice for me to used chemical-free products.

Warning! It’s a bit scary!!


Parabens are man-made chemicals often used as preservatives in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, foods, and beverages. There is usually more than one paraben in a single product. Parabens are absorbed quickly through the skin and may increase your risk of breast cancer or accelerate the growth of tumors. It mimics the effects of estrogen in the human body. Some researchers suggest parabens can cause decreased sperm production and mobility.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON THE LABEL: Ethylparaben, butylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben, isobutylparaben, isopropylparaben, and other ingredients ending in –paraben.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)/ Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

Some may say that SLS/SLES is natural because it is derived from coconuts. The problem comes from the way it is processed. The manufacturing process (ethoxylation) results in SLES/SLS being contaminated with 1,4 Dioxane, a carcinogenic by-product has been linked to cancer, neurotoxicity, organ toxicity, skin irritation, and endocrine disruption.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON THE LABEL: Sodium laureth sulfate, PEG compounds,, ceteareth, and oleth may also be contaminated by 1,4 Dioxane.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants, animals, bacteria and viruses that have had changes made to their DNA through genetic engineering techniques to yield higher crop growth or add a particular feature. Almost all commercial GMOs are engineered to resist direct application of herbicide and/or insecticide.Since GMOs are manmade and grafted, the body is not sure how to process them when ingested or absorbed through the skin. This causes many health problems that were non-existent only a few years ago. Also, a product that is advertised as “organic” doesn’t necessarily mean it is GMO-free.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON THE LABEL: GMOs are not easy to detect. Look for products labeled NON-GMO. Most likely these includeingredients and byproducts of: corn, cotton, tomatoes, potatoes, grapeseed (canola), rice, soy isoflavones (and other soy products), sugar cane, sugar beet, amino acids, xanthan gum, vitamin E, lecithin, vitamin C, citric acid, sodium citrate, lactic acid, vegetable protein, alcohol, glycerin, and corn starch (in makeup).


Petroleum is made from crude oil that stops moisture from leaving your hair. In theory, this may sound like a good thing since any water (moisture) is locked in. This also means that any other product you use will just leave a coating over the hair and not be absorbed. Side effects of petroleum include the byproduct found in breast tumors, suffocation of the skin, premature aging, and aggravated acne.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON THE LABEL: phthalate, DEP, DBP, DEHP and fragrance


According to the FDA, phthalates are groups of chemicals used in hundreds of products, such as toys, vinyl flooring and wall covering, detergents, lubricating oils, food packaging, pharmaceuticals, blood bags and tubing, and personal care products, such as nail polish, hair sprays, aftershave lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfumes and other fragrance preparations. TOYS AND FLOORING!?!? Phthalates have been linked to endocrine disruption, developmental and reproductive toxicity, and cancer. Although the European Union has banned these chemicals, they are still prevalent in many U.S. products.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON THE LABEL: dibutylphthalate (DBP), phthalate, DEP, DBP, DEHP, and fragrance

Synthetic Fragrance

If you see the word “FRAGRANCE” listed as an ingredient, place it back on the shelf and slowly back away. Manufactures in the USA use “synthetic fragrance” or simply “fragrance” to avoid revealing what the ingredients really are. These chemicals include: benzene derivatives, aldehydes, phthalates, and a slew of other known toxins capable of causing cancer, birth defects, nervous-system disorders, and allergies.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON THE LABEL: Fragrance, perfume, parfum, essential oil blend, and aroma.When possible, always use products that actually state the essential oil and not just a generic term.

Polyethylene Glycol (PEGs), Polypropylene Glycol (PPG) & Butylene Glycol (BG)

All three of these glycol chemicals are petroleum-based. Propylene glycols and polypropylene glycols attract water and are used as humectants. Propylene glycol is one of the most widely used ingredients in cosmetics such as facial cleansers, moisturizers, bath soaps, shampoos and conditioners, deodorants, shaving preparations, fragrances, etc. PPG can cause an allergic response when it comes in contact with the skin (allergic contact dermatitis), particularly in people that suffer from eczema, fungal infections. Studies have shown that neurotoxicity is BG’s most hazardous effect. PEGs are also used to make laxatives (EWW). Repeated or prolonged skin contact may lead to irritation and contact dermatitis and will have a de-greasing action on the skin. If it’s used on broken skin, PEG could produce irritation and systemic toxicity. Due to its penetration enhancing properties, PEG increases the skin’s permeability—allowing greater penetration of these harmful ingredients into

WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON THE LABEL: Polyethylene Glycol, PEGs, 1,2 propanediol, polypropylene, glycol, PPG, butylene glycol, BG, and 1,4 butanediol.

Artificial/Synthetics Colorants & Dyes

Synthetic and artificial colors and dyes are used to give products an attractive appearance to consumers. FD&C” means that the colorants have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in food, drugs and cosmetics. “D&C” signifies the colors can be used in drugs and cosmetics, but not food.Most are made from coal tar, which contain toxic heavy metal salts. They should be avoided at all costs, along with hair dyes. Synthetic colors and dyes are cancer-causing agents. Do not use any item that contains any synthetic or artificial colors or dyes.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON THE LABEL: Any product containing FD&C or D&C as an ingredient.

Examples are FD&C Red 40 or D&C YELLOW 10.

As a final note, if a product uses vague terminology or isn’t willing to list ALL of the ingredients on its label, this is a RED FLAG! Proceed with caution.

Each time you run out of your favorite item, try replacing them with products that are safer for you and your family.

Please visit to purchase cruelty-free, biodyanmic/organic and vegan products.

As always you are an Original Beauty, just as you are!

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